Historic England: Ramsgate The town and its seaside heritage
The excellent book has an indepth history of Ramsgate and adds to the work undertaken by Busson.
Busson: A History of Ramsgate
An authoratative book on Ramsgate by Charles Busson. It is often cited in listings.
Maps of the conservation areas
The image to the left shows the conservation area and its 13 seperate character areas.conservation area and its 13 seperate character areas.
Historic Maps
KCC Historic Maps has useful online historic maps as does the National Library of Scotland.
Conservation area appraisal
A comprehensive look at the Ramsgate Conservation area dividing the fantastic historic built environment into thirteen diverse and distinct character areas. The RHDF assisted with the documentation and appraisal of the character areas under direction from Historic England.
Shop front design guide
A guide has been produced for TDC sharing best practice on traditional and contermporary solutions to street frontage. A previous guide is also useful. Other useful shop front design guides have been produced by other local authories including from Waltham Forest.
Work requiring Listed Building Consent
A guide detailling when work to a listed building requires listed building consent has been produced by Historic Endland. HEAG304 see link here.
The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings has a series of excellent technical guides and advice.
Windows & Doors Guide
Historic windows should be retained and refurbished rather than replaced. Listed buildings require single glazed sashes a guide to design and maintenance has produced by Historic England.