Below are some common mistakes and misconceptions about alterations to buildings in the conservation area and/or to listed builings.
Only the outside of my building is listed
A common misconception is that only the exterior of a listed building is protected. The interior and character of the building is protected as are structures in the curtilage of the property.
Listed building consent is required to alter or change the character and apperance of the building and structures in the curtilage.
Creating driveways
Substantial removal of front boundary walls in the conservation area should be minimised to maintain historic street frontages.
Paved and impermeable areas should be minmised and planting retained.
My neighbours did it why can’t I?
A common misconception is an example of a dormer next door or on a similar house. Often the case is that the element in question did not have planning permission or listed building consent (if listed)
Protection of flint walls
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Changing window and door colours
Roofing materials
Solar Panels
Plastic rain water pipes